Whale sighting in front of Daytona Beach Ocean Walk

Whales in Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach Ocean Walk  invites all Whale watchers.  Get out your binoculars and get cozy on your balcony . There’s a good chance that you will see a whale or two. Make reservations at the Daytona Beach Ocean Walk. Book your room now!

As winter arrives every year, more than 800 volunteers along Florida’s east coast — including many in Volusia and Flagler counties — begin watching the seas for sightings of endangered North Atlantic right whales right from your Daytona Beach Ocean Walk balcony.

The whales migrate south from New England and Canada to the waters off the Florida coasts each winter for calving season, so you might want to get out your binoculars! Be a part of this experience in Daytona Beach by contacting the number below to report a whale sighting.” Marine Resources Council”, hotline at 888-979-4253. If you are at the Daytona Beach Ocean Walk, 300 N. Atlantic Ave Daytona Beach FL 32174 let them know the location of the whale sighting.

Volunteers from St. Augustine to Daytona Beach maintain their vigil between January and March. The Resources Council has been training coastal volunteers to identify and report right whales off the Florida coast to its hotline for nearly 20 years.

The work of volunteer citizens has been crucial in preventing ship collisions with right whales, said the council’s right whale program coordinator, Julie Albert.

Through the Resources Council and Marineland, the volunteers gather “critical data” on whale distribution, abundance, reproduction, behavior and habitat use, Albert said.

Marineland verifies volunteer calls from Volusia, Flagler, and St. Johns Counties.

To learn more, attend one of these local classes:

Jan. 15, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., Marine Discovery Center, 520 Barracuda Blvd., New Smyrna Beach, 386-428-4828

For more information or to report a whale sighting, contact the Marine Resources Council hotline at 888-979-4253 (888-97-WHALE), email at [email protected] or visit the blog at http://mrcrightwhalemonitoring.blogspot.com/ . Or keep look for more info at https://www.facebook.com/daytonabeachoceanwalk

For information about Marineland’s surveys from St. Augustine to Daytona Beach, contact Joy Hampp at 904-461-4058 or visit the blog at http://marinelandrightwhale.blogspot.com/.